Wednesday 4 January 2012

new year!

i know it's a little bit delayed, but i'm always busy lately and never get chance to sit down and write blog posts anymore, so i thought while i had a spare moment i should write to wish all of my followers a lovely new year and to thank you yet again for the support/comments over the past two years! time flies.

i don't know if some of you know but 2009/2010 were pretty rubbish years for me. i spent a lot of my time being upset and just didn't really have much fun. and new year last year, i promised myself that 2011 would be different.
i would never have believed you if you had told me just how great 2011 would be for me! so many great things happened and i have so many unforgettable memories!

january was spent with friends, going out, keeping busy, making many new friends.
february, i turned 18! had the best birthday i've ever had! and again had many unforgettable nights out/house parties.
march again, i made plenty of new friends, had many parties/nights out and got myself a new boyfriend.
i spent the few months after that in a happy relationship aswell as having so many hilarious nights out with friends.
july was my oldest sisters wedding and a beautiful day! as well as global gathering which happened to be one of my highlights of 2011!
august was reading festival! to top off a brilliant summer!
september i came out of my relationship, but also followed through with something i've wanted to do since i was very young and i moved to london for a fresh new start!
october i started university! made so many new friends, moved in with my sister in chelsea and got a new job in a cocktail bar.
november and december were spent mostly drunk, but with some amazing people, i've also met so many great people from around the world through work. went to ministry of sound for the first time, visited so many great places, went to hyde park's winter wonderland etc. and also had a great new year surrounded in people i love!

i couldn't have asked for a better year and i can only hope that 2012 turns out even better!

happy new year everyone! :)

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